Success stories

I lost 10kg working out just 2-3x per week

"I was struggling to find a routine that worked for me. I needed some accountability. I also needed someone who could look at my health holistically and wanted guidance coming off the contraceptive pill.

I lost the fat, created good habits for life and love my period arriving each month.

Amy is a fantastic coach. She is truly an expert in the space and goes the extra mile every time to support you on your journey."

- Angharad, Somerset, UK 

Lu lost 30cm all over her body & got her confidence back

Lu (44) was feeling sluggish and demotivated since the lockdown. And was struggling with low thyroid. Previously she had been a fitness fanatic and really confident in her body. She'd lost her motivation and found her weight more difficult to manage.

4 months later, although the scale had only budged 2kg, Lu has lost 30cm across her total body measurements, is feeling toned again and fitting back in her clothes comfortably.

- Lu, Herefordshire, UK 

This nutrition has been a game changer!

"The biggest change is how I feel about me and my body at 45. I really feel the sense of abundance that this programme has brought me. I feel empowered as a result.

I'm enjoying the strength and joy I'm finding in my body and what it can do. My body is so much happier. No more aches, pains and headaches. And sleep is great."

- Sharmila, Portugal

Amy has undying belief in her clients

''I felt like the most difficult, the most inconsistent, the most unstable client she must have ever had, and yet she kept rooting for me, she always believed I could do it, and she would go out of her way to try to get me to root for myself as well.

And when you have a cheerleader who never stops cheering for you - eventually you start cheering for yourself as well. Which I think is huge for women in this society."

- Jess, Bristol, UK

I’ve seen great results, I think the biggest thing is actually a mindset change

- Sophie, Bristol, UK

I've lost 3 inches from my waist & I've got my bounce back

- Vicky, Keynsham, UK

I lost 6 inches from my waist, found balance with food and fixed my period

"I had really bad food cravings, couldn’t get into good eating and exercise habits after having my daughter, and I felt horrible before and during my periods.

My mindset is so much better. I don’t overindulge on chocolate at the weekend anymore. I am now wearing strappy tops and dresses. I feel more confident around food. And my periods don’t worry me anymore."

- Sarah, Bristol, UK

I don't need to fit in with my hormonal changes, I need to harness them

"It was time to invest in my health and fitness and finding someone who understood a female cycle was my goal.

I'm glad I invested my time and money into this programme and Amy invested her time and knowledge into me.

Syncing my cycle with my nutrition and exercise was a game changer and think all women will benefit from this.."

- Adele, Thornbury, UK

Adele smiling

I'm eating more & losing inches

"I felt like if I didn't start this NOW, when will I?!

14 weeks later, my relationship with food has transformed, I feel amazing and my tummy is getting smaller.

I feel strong, nimble and I can move easier. I feel a lot younger in my body. "

- Jane, Bristol, UK

The way Amy explains things around food, exercise and hormones stands out in the coaching industry

"I have never come across anyone who would be this precise and explain things with such clarity in such a short period of time!! So I can either spend 12 months learning from someone who is not nailing it for me or a fraction of that time with Amy to get to where I want."

- Agneiszka, Sweden

This programme is so well put together and professionally presented

It feels like a considerable amount of time and knowledge and planning has gone into creating the course content. I love how Amy shares her knowledge and positivity, and I genuinely feel she want’s every individual to succeed.

- Carly, Netherlands

I've lost 10cm off my belly & 9lbs in the first 6 weeks

- Helen, Somerset, UK

The transformation I've had has been incredible & I feel able to enjoy my life now

- Laura, Somerset, UK

Start your journey with
The Female Formula

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